Monday, November 22, 2010


Today's review is of place called Sandwackers. They have two locations. One in Duncanville and another Grand Prairie. Their specialty is fresh deli sandwiches but they do offer other treats.All their sandwiches have unique names. Mostly are old TV characters. So on this day I decided to try the "Sourdough Sandchick". "Sourdough Sandchick" consists of oven baked chicken breast Seasoned with lemon pepper, Swiss Cheese, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato and Ranch Dressing on Toasted Sourdough Bread. I really didn't taste lemon pepper flavor of the chicken. I'm bacon lover but the bacon was to rubbery. Fresh veggies on the sandwich but the lady was real stingy with the Ranch dressing. This sandwich was real so-so but I'm have to go back so I can try another sandwich to make sure the other sandwich was just a fluke.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

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